Over $35,000 raised from the 2020 South West Bike Trek!
From October 11 to 17, the 18th annual South West Bike Trek took place, organised once again by long-time CLCRF supporter Eric Maddock. The event saw 15 enthusiastic riders embarking on the 600km journey from Perth to Augusta to raise funds for childhood cancer research.
We are so thrilled to announce that over $35,000 was raised for the Foundation this year! This is an incredible achievement, considering the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic and the reduced peloton of 15.
The riders spent 7 days cycling through the beautiful towns of Fairbridge, Harvey, Bunbury, Busselton, Margaret River and Augusta. “We had a few of the old stagers and several newbies,” said Eric. “All the first-timers said they would be back, which is great”
We would like to thank and commend all of the riders who participated in this year’s event. We could not have achieved such an incredible outcome without your fundraising efforts and commitment to the cause!
“A great ride was had by all and much needed funds and awareness were raised,” expressed Eric. “The event could not have gone ahead without the fantastic support from all the sponsors and service clubs along the way.”
A big thank you to the following:
- Mooba Cockburn Central
- Harvey BPW
- Spudshed
- Jarra Infussion Pinjarra
- Pinjarra Rotary
- Falcon Lions
- Coles Warnbro
- Woolworths Rockingham
- IGA Shoalwater
- Harvey Shire
- Harvey Rotary and Lions
- Harvey Primary School
- Binningup Senior Citizens
- South Bunbury Rotary
- Eaton Scout Camp
- Boyanup Lions, Margaret and Ian Hudson
- Busselton Beach Shack Takeaway
- Margaret River Lions
- Leeuwin Lions
- Bunbury Toyota
- Bakers Delight Baldivis
- Cowaramup Lions
- Busselton Rotary
“And of course, we need to thank our drivers Harry Ball and Rick Dermody,” said Eric. “Plus the main support in organising it all, Annette Maddock.”
Every year, we receive such generous support from the community for our South West Bike Trek and this year was certainly no exception. We look forward to another successful event in 2021!